One size DOES NOT fit all

General résumés are great assets to have in your arsenal. At a moment’s notice, a vacancy may open within your workplace, presenting the opportunity for advancement, or shifting to a different department. Having an updated résumé on standby will better prepare you for such instances.

However, one general résumé will not best suit you for every position you may seek. If, and when, that position opens that you desire, tailoring your résumé TO that position is best practice. For example, if seeking an administrative position, excluding key words that compliment that position could be detrimental. Adding key words such as Microsoft Office, data entry, payroll, records management, etc will help the Selecting Official and the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) recognize you.

Remember, while tailoring your résumé to your desired position, it is never recommended that you exaggerate or falsify your work experience.


Applicant Tracking System (ATS)


Objective statements are extinct