Cover Letter

First impressions can be everything. A cover letter provides you with the opportunity to introduce yourself to a potential employer, and explain why you would be the best person for the job. These letters are the first page for general résumés, outlining your attributes and describe what you can contribute to the company, if selected.

These letters should be formatted well, comprehensive and highly professional. Much like your résumé, how well you craft the document could imply how well you will conduct certain job functions (such as administrative tasks, editing, etc).

Cover letters should be no more than one (1) page, letter format, minimum of two (2) brief paragraphs with a maximum of four (4) and narrated in the first person. If you are aware whom the Selecting Official, Recruiter of Hiring Manager is, you should address the letter to them by name (e.g. David Robertson should be referred to as Mr. Robertson). If you are unaware, you may address the letter to ALCON (all concerned).

You may begin the letter with your experience, then by recognizing the company’s value and ending with what you can bring to the company to make it better. The narration should be voiced with a business tone, as to say how much the company could benefit from your presence. In closing, including your immediate availability for an interview is recommended as well.


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